About Me

I am currently a postdoctoral associate in the Bazant Lab in the Chemical Engineering Department at MIT, where I use computational and mathematical modeling to understand complex transport phenomena. Often times these processes involve ion transport and electrokinetic coupling with the fluid flow. A current theme of my research is the electrokinetic control of fluid flow, and in particular interfacial instabilities, such as the viscous fingering phenomenon.

I am also generally interested in broad topics in scientific computing and programming. Recently, I have become interested in using Data-Driven and Machine Learning approaches for solving inverse problems and model discovery through data. Here, you can learn more about my latest publications and (once-in-a-while) blog posts!

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Hello, world!

I finally made it! Couple of days of wrestling with css and html and I can officially claim to be a web guru 🤓. Of course, all of this was with the help of the amazing Hugo static site generator. ... read more